Sunday, 28 February 2010
Nano Technology
The definition of nanotechnology:-Is a set of tools, techniques and applications concerning the manufacture of a particular structure and composition measurements using very small.
In 1986, a U.S. mathematician Eric Drexler, the actual founder of this science, a book called «-engined configuration», the extension of the ideas the basis for the information of «Nanotechnology». And which he also introduced major risks associated with it.
There is an agreement that in 1990 is the real beginning of the era of nanotechnology, in that year, researchers in the laboratory of one of the sub-electron giant international companies from making smaller Declaration in the world, used the 35 atom of the element xenon to write the name of the company with three letters on the interface headquarters branch in the Swiss capital.
Nanotechnology and its applications:-
Nano is one billionth of a meter, or 9-10 of the meter, and described the size of ten atoms Hirogen, or the rate of growth of a fingernail in one second, or high drop of water after flattening entirely on the surface area of one square meter, or one-tenth of the thickness class colored sunglasses. It should be noted that the presentation of a smaller boat on the Pentium processor is a Pentium 100 nm.
Computer extraordinary day at the Centers for research and development or in the large universities will just watch in the near future and will enable industry operations room full capsule (box) small, they are placed inside the patient's body to carry out the program, which programming process by which doctor the patient's condition, the areas of countless involving nanotechnology, and will change the lives of tens of thousands of times that the rights could change his life since the beginning of time and to this day. Content will become more science fiction fertility now, just a simple fantasies of a small child.
What can nanotechnology that works??
Nanotechnology able to possess the potential to increase the efficiency of energy consumption, and help clean up the environment, and solve major health problems, as it is able to increase production dramatically and manufacturing costs are very low, and the products of nanotechnology will be smaller.
What experts say about nanotechnology??
In 1999, winner of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry "Richard Smalley Richard Smalley" addressed to the United States Commission of the Council of Representatives on Nanotechnology under the theme: "The impact of nanotechnology on health, wealth, and people's lives" and said: "It will be at least equivalent to the combined effects of science microelectronics, medical imaging, computer-aided engineering and composition of synthetic chemical compounds developed during this century. "
Nanotechnology to change human life for the better:-
Term began (Nanotechnology) is spreading in the area of electronic industries, related to Informatics. If we examine the cards used in computers today, especially notebook found to be compressed to a large degree, The card, which does not exceed a few millimeters thick, as if we examined the cables and capacitors, weighing an estimated kilogram, we find that the weight does not exceed parts Almilli grams. The diminished size, and doubled the capacity and all thanks to the reduced thickness of the cables and pressure the volume of capacitors and circuit breakers, which has shortened distances, traveled by electrons, and earn computers, greater speed in the implementation of operations.
IBM technology to zoom:-
Research aimed at IBM in the area of miniaturization technology to design components and new atomic structures at the molecular level to improve the information technologies, in addition to discovering and understanding the scientific basis. Through the leadership development of miniaturization technology or nanotechnology, IBM scientists were able to conduct studies of such technologies on nano-level, technological dwarf. Specifically, the carbon tubes and mini-probe examination, which is produced from a microscope Atomic Energy offers the promise of empowerment to improve services and storage media, data, and a search in the nanoparticle applications in medicine, natural addition to the storage on the hard drive of your computer.
Experts say that nanotechnology is the human scientific revolution has a tremendous change with the features of life in all aspects of health, education, financial .. Etc., making life better, and helps to get rid of incurable diseases suffered by people over the centuries, nanotechnology will also work to improve methods of agricultural and industrial production and reduce costs in an unprecedented manner, which means more comfort and the end of trouble for a man of the times.
Scientists expect to become nanotechnology - technology in the near future an integral part of everyday medical practice, particularly in the field of drug delivery. However, we find Jennifer West warns that it will not happen in the near future she says: "We are still at a distance of several decades of the precision instruments that swim through our bodies to fight bacteria, viruses, and transformation of all human beings to the creatures just healthy."
Near-term uses of nanotechnology:-
● in the medical diagnosis and treatment.
● solar collector and take advantage of (photovoltaic).
● compounds contain the nanotubes .
● in the manufacture of paints and packaging .
● new models of computer memory and integrated circuits. Where there are potential uses for carbon nanotubes (Carbon Nanotubes) at:
● binaries link and transistors.
● speakers reference in mobile devices.
● increase the stiffness components.
Long-term uses of nanotechnology:-
● data storage capacities are immense.
● chips to store the video up to 1000 hours.
● the work of plastic sheeting used in construction are thin and very light for the windows, but with high hardness .
The definition of gold:-Gold and Rare Earth is one of the precious metals in the world, is extracted from the mines and mountains, archaeological sites, but the search for costly, may be extracting a large rock the size of the room and we have not which only a few grams of pure gold.
Join Gold:-
Be a result of gold deposition of gases and liquids rising from below the surface, these gases and liquids rise in the direction of the surface through cracks in the earth's crust, there is a lot of gold in the rocks of which the crust and often found with metallic copper, lead and rare to find a piece of gold on a sufficient scale to enlarge despite that the large rocks of gold have been found in Australia in the late nineteenth century and there are deposits of gold in the veins of mineral and placer deposits, and is South Africa and the United States, Canada, Australia, China, the Philippines is the Countries main gold producer in the world.
As gold was widespread in many parts of the globe, in addition to the free existence in nature, and the price of hyperbole and use money in various corner of the world have become easier to learn to know other metals. The natural qualities had made him the minerals commonly known Vkther mentioned in the books and many hunters are looking for those engaged in it, interested in many of the chemical purification methods of these metals, gold purification are newly separated dust and silt and other impurities by strong water currents remove sand and alluvial minutes, and minutes remaining gold in place due to the high density of gold has been used mercury to dissolve gold without the sand and silt. Then finds the gold from the mercury by distilling the latter. As can be seen at the presentation of gold mining copper and silver. There are chemical methods of extracting gold, which draws as a way cyanide, or silver alloys dissolve in concentrated sulfuric acid, and purification of gold being nitric acid first, and then electrolysis.
He knew the gold and its value has emerged since ancient times metal composition more easily than any other metal. In addition to the easy availability of gold in its pure form. The beauty of gold and luster, and its resistance to corrosion of metals has made him unique in the arts and crafts together since ancient times, and given the relative scarcity, use gold as currency and the basis for international financial transactions. The unit used in the weight of gold equivalent ounce is 31.1 grams.
Gold Technologies:-
There are modern equipment to detect for gold where there is a specialized organ to detect gold and treasure under the ground-based direct image on the screen, determines the type and weight and depth to the target,These devices designed to detect high-value targets deep in the ground and is working on a system is very sensitive.
Common uses for gold:-
-Used as a reserve currency where he became the sole basis for the currencies of most countries of the world where securities can be converted into gold .
-Because gold is a good conductor of electricity Odhu high resistance to rust and corrosion, it has become of great importance in the manufacture of micro-electric circuits .
-If Ozept small amounts of gold and placed in glass or plastic panels, they prevent the passage of infrared and serve as a protective thermal effective .
-Gold Bthbath characterized by chemical, it is used in machines that operate in the atmosphere show rust and corrosion .
-Used potassium cyanide added to gold in gold plating process that are electrically .
-Gold is used in medicine because it is proven that it is compatible with the organs of the body of living. It is used in dentistry, and pharmaceutical packaging. Also used radioactive isotopes of gold in biological research in the treatment of cancer.
-Uses the bulk of the product in the gold coins and jewels.
In each stage of history, the gold metal was used as a means of trade, has also been used as a store of value, the gold represents the best form of protection against inflation and protects future profits.
Entered the gold in world markets and stock exchanges, as the London market and one of the oldest gold markets in the world and is the world's largest gold trading effectively.
The computer Technology
The computer is an electronic machine used to treat the input data for the device, by the CPU to obtain useful information, and is done by programs that are known to computer.
Multiple types of computers in the way they work and size in addition to speed. Early electronic computers were the size of a large room and consumed a similar capacity to consume a few hundred personal computers today, it is possible today to make computers and within the hour by taking energy from the battery time. Community looks to a personal computer - and his mobile; laptop - were symbolic of the information age; understanding of what most people think of when talking about the computer. In spite of this and more forms of computer use computers today are included. Embedded computers are small and simple devices commonly used to control other devices, for example, you can be found in machines ranging from fighter aircraft, and robots, and digital cameras and toys,Can not say that the computer is the invention of itself because it was the product of a lot of innovations in scientific and mathematical applications.
Computer History:-
Has been codified abacus (abacus) as a primitive computer because it was like a calculator in the past. In 1801, Joseph Marie Jacquard made an improvement in the work of the existing forms of Alnolip using a sequence of cards punched like a program to weave complex forms. The result was that the Jacquard loom is not considered a real computer, but it was an important step in the development of modern digital computers. Charles Babbage was the first to conceptualize and design a fully programmable computer, in the beginning of 1820, but due to a combination of the technical limits at the time and financial limitations, as well as the inability to solve the problem of reform is not good design, the device is not actually constructed in his life. Emerged a number of techniques that have proved useful later in computing, such as card punch and tube valve at the end of the nineteenth century, and automatic data processing of the large gradient using punch cards are made using machines scheduling and designed by Herman Hollerith.
A core, Computer Atanasoff-Berry 1937, secret British Colossus computer (1944) and had a limited capacity for programming, Harvard Mark I 1944 computer is included electromechanical lot and has a limited capacity for programming, based on the U.S. computer algorithms (1946 -- ENIAC) was the first electronic computer is for general purposes, that the designs driven computer pipeline valve were in use during the fifties of the twentieth century, but with time Turanzsturip been replaced by computers, which were smaller, faster and cheaper and more reliable, all allowing them to be produced on a commercial scale and in the sixties of the twentieth century. In the seventies of the twentieth century, helped choose the integrated circuit technology in the production of computers at a cost low enough to allow individuals to own a personal computer of the species currently known.
How do computers?
While the techniques used have changed dramatically in computers since the early electronic computers, multi-purpose Forties of the twentieth century, is still mostly uses the stored program architecture (called sometimes the structure of von Neumann). Able to get the computer to design truly universal and partially describes the structure of computers in four main sections:-Algorathim and Logic Unit ALU,Control Unit,Input /output I/O ,memory.
These parts connected by bundles of wires (called "vectors" BUS when the same package supports more than one data path) and is usually measured by a timer or clock (although other events could drive control circuit), and the operating system to collect the components of computer with each other. Where the commands and read data from memory or from the input and output, is to carry that out by the wizard. As well as decode the command, and feeding unit of account and the correct logic input according to the instructions, which tells the unit of account and logic operation to be carried out on these inputs and send the results back to memory or input devices and output, the counter Counter key components of the control system which monitors the address the current command, usually increase the value of the address in each time you execute the command only if the same is noted that the following command must be at another address (this allows the computer performs the same command in a recurrent), ranging from the eighties of the twentieth century, has become both The unit of account and logic and control unit (two communities are called central processing unit) (CPU) and the usual presence in the integrated circuit and one called the microprocessor.
The Programs:-
The software is simply a list of commands executed by the computer, and from these commands (instructions) between some of the commands of the few lead a simple task to the list of orders is more complex, which can contain tables of data. Many computer programs contain millions of orders, and many of these orders are executed repeatedly. The typical modern personal computer can execute about 3 billion is in the second. The computers did not gain their extraordinary through their ability to implement complex commands. But rather, they are millions of orders place by people who know the programmers.
There are also some more sophisticated systems that are used in large computers and computer-sensitive services, such as web and other systems is derived from a UNIX, such as RedHat (Red Hat) and Sun Solaris, and has evolved suitable for office use, providing graphical interfaces can sometimes superior to systems Microsoft Windows, providing the effects superior to those in Windows 7, as is the case in Ubuntu, have also been used in some UNIX systems for mobile systems, and systems reliability Taatmisahzh, where it can be kept running up to ten continuous years or more without any interruption, It is also not affected by the so-called viruses, and provide high performance even on machines vulnerable to some extent.
Types of computers:-
-Main frame computers: a computer with large storage capacity and high efficiency in the treatment of which is used in large enterprises such as the Chambers-governmental organizations, universities and major corporations, where the device is linked to the main group of subsidiary organs called terminals.
-Personal computers: the computers that we see in homes and offices.
-Computers hands: are small devices no bigger than the palm of the hand.
-PCs built: the computers found in many electronic devices and electrical for example, found in the cell cars and video equipment, aircraft and others.
Computer Components:-
CPU,Motherboard,RAM,HardDisk,Units entry and exit data.
There are other components are complementary to the work of a computer, such as:
Printer, scanner, audio equipment and video or multimedia.
In addition to hardware, the computer needs to be:
* Operating system is not a component of the computer and is one of the supplements.
* Programs are not components of the computer and is one of the supplements.
Types of computers:-
-Large computer.
-Computer average.
-Small computer.
-Home computer.
-Notebook computer.
-Handheld computers.
Multiple types of computers in the way they work and size in addition to speed. Early electronic computers were the size of a large room and consumed a similar capacity to consume a few hundred personal computers today, it is possible today to make computers and within the hour by taking energy from the battery time. Community looks to a personal computer - and his mobile; laptop - were symbolic of the information age; understanding of what most people think of when talking about the computer. In spite of this and more forms of computer use computers today are included. Embedded computers are small and simple devices commonly used to control other devices, for example, you can be found in machines ranging from fighter aircraft, and robots, and digital cameras and toys,Can not say that the computer is the invention of itself because it was the product of a lot of innovations in scientific and mathematical applications.
Computer History:-
Has been codified abacus (abacus) as a primitive computer because it was like a calculator in the past. In 1801, Joseph Marie Jacquard made an improvement in the work of the existing forms of Alnolip using a sequence of cards punched like a program to weave complex forms. The result was that the Jacquard loom is not considered a real computer, but it was an important step in the development of modern digital computers. Charles Babbage was the first to conceptualize and design a fully programmable computer, in the beginning of 1820, but due to a combination of the technical limits at the time and financial limitations, as well as the inability to solve the problem of reform is not good design, the device is not actually constructed in his life. Emerged a number of techniques that have proved useful later in computing, such as card punch and tube valve at the end of the nineteenth century, and automatic data processing of the large gradient using punch cards are made using machines scheduling and designed by Herman Hollerith.
A core, Computer Atanasoff-Berry 1937, secret British Colossus computer (1944) and had a limited capacity for programming, Harvard Mark I 1944 computer is included electromechanical lot and has a limited capacity for programming, based on the U.S. computer algorithms (1946 -- ENIAC) was the first electronic computer is for general purposes, that the designs driven computer pipeline valve were in use during the fifties of the twentieth century, but with time Turanzsturip been replaced by computers, which were smaller, faster and cheaper and more reliable, all allowing them to be produced on a commercial scale and in the sixties of the twentieth century. In the seventies of the twentieth century, helped choose the integrated circuit technology in the production of computers at a cost low enough to allow individuals to own a personal computer of the species currently known.
How do computers?
While the techniques used have changed dramatically in computers since the early electronic computers, multi-purpose Forties of the twentieth century, is still mostly uses the stored program architecture (called sometimes the structure of von Neumann). Able to get the computer to design truly universal and partially describes the structure of computers in four main sections:-Algorathim and Logic Unit ALU,Control Unit,Input /output I/O ,memory.
These parts connected by bundles of wires (called "vectors" BUS when the same package supports more than one data path) and is usually measured by a timer or clock (although other events could drive control circuit), and the operating system to collect the components of computer with each other. Where the commands and read data from memory or from the input and output, is to carry that out by the wizard. As well as decode the command, and feeding unit of account and the correct logic input according to the instructions, which tells the unit of account and logic operation to be carried out on these inputs and send the results back to memory or input devices and output, the counter Counter key components of the control system which monitors the address the current command, usually increase the value of the address in each time you execute the command only if the same is noted that the following command must be at another address (this allows the computer performs the same command in a recurrent), ranging from the eighties of the twentieth century, has become both The unit of account and logic and control unit (two communities are called central processing unit) (CPU) and the usual presence in the integrated circuit and one called the microprocessor.
The Programs:-
The software is simply a list of commands executed by the computer, and from these commands (instructions) between some of the commands of the few lead a simple task to the list of orders is more complex, which can contain tables of data. Many computer programs contain millions of orders, and many of these orders are executed repeatedly. The typical modern personal computer can execute about 3 billion is in the second. The computers did not gain their extraordinary through their ability to implement complex commands. But rather, they are millions of orders place by people who know the programmers.
There are also some more sophisticated systems that are used in large computers and computer-sensitive services, such as web and other systems is derived from a UNIX, such as RedHat (Red Hat) and Sun Solaris, and has evolved suitable for office use, providing graphical interfaces can sometimes superior to systems Microsoft Windows, providing the effects superior to those in Windows 7, as is the case in Ubuntu, have also been used in some UNIX systems for mobile systems, and systems reliability Taatmisahzh, where it can be kept running up to ten continuous years or more without any interruption, It is also not affected by the so-called viruses, and provide high performance even on machines vulnerable to some extent.
Types of computers:-
-Main frame computers: a computer with large storage capacity and high efficiency in the treatment of which is used in large enterprises such as the Chambers-governmental organizations, universities and major corporations, where the device is linked to the main group of subsidiary organs called terminals.
-Personal computers: the computers that we see in homes and offices.
-Computers hands: are small devices no bigger than the palm of the hand.
-PCs built: the computers found in many electronic devices and electrical for example, found in the cell cars and video equipment, aircraft and others.
Computer Components:-
CPU,Motherboard,RAM,HardDisk,Units entry and exit data.
There are other components are complementary to the work of a computer, such as:
Printer, scanner, audio equipment and video or multimedia.
In addition to hardware, the computer needs to be:
* Operating system is not a component of the computer and is one of the supplements.
* Programs are not components of the computer and is one of the supplements.
Types of computers:-
-Large computer.
-Computer average.
-Small computer.
-Home computer.
-Notebook computer.
-Handheld computers.
Saturday, 27 February 2010
Car Technology
The car one of the means of transport and communications in the world.
Before people have a car, they are walking or riding bicycles for short distances. The long-distance travel is mostly by train or some sort of horse-drawn carts or beauty.
Can be attributed the origin of the car to Europe. But in fact, become the most important means of transport in the United States first. Most European cars are hand-made, and was very expensive, was only the rich who can afford it. In the early twentieth century, both the Ransm Eli Olds and Henry Ford and other pioneers of mass production of cars.
The auto industry and one of the most important industries in the world; it can produce more than 30 million vehicles annually. Produces the United States and Japan together about half the world's production of cars. One of the most other countries that produce cars, Germany, France, Italy and Spain.
Caused car broad areas of work, and added many benefits to everyday life. But also brought many problems; has created problems of noise and pollution. States suffer that do not have auto industry, economic problems caused by the high cost of imported cars. On the other hand, has become a vehicle accident, one of the most serious problems in the present time.
The importance of car:-
Impact of the development cars huge impact on the lifestyle of people in most parts of the world. Perhaps there has been no invention or discovery provides further technical effect in the community bigger and faster than the invention of the car,Especially in the social and economic sphere.
History of the car :-
First car: in the late eighteenth century, the development of steam engines progressed rapidly in Europe. The inventors dream of "a vehicle without a horse"; any vehicle can run on its ability of self. It seemed to them that the steam power source is desired.
Steam car: The Nicholas Joseph, a military engineer Kojno Gaul, establishing the first two vehicles Matete movement in 1769, in 1770. One has been designed to transport passengers, while the other designed a three-wheeled motor tractor to drag the defender.
The electric car: electric car was initially more successful than the steam cars. The supply capacity mediated by the batteries. And met with electric cars quickly gained popularity because it was quiet, and easy to operate and free of smelly fumes, and in 1900, sales amounted to 38% of all car sales. But the batteries used to limit the speed or the distance that can be traveled. Was a small number of electric cars can go faster than 32 kilometers per hour, and had to be recharged at least every 80 kilometers.
Car engine oil. Created the car that we know at the present time on the development of internal combustion engine. The internal combustion engines, the first working gas. In 1820 and designed by British inventor William Cecil engine run explosion mixture of hydrogen and air. In 1838, made another British inventor William Barnett, an engine fuel mixture pressure, and in 1895, made Michelin, a company France for the rubber industry, the first filled with pneumatic tires for use in cars, many people believed that the car has become a means of transport by the invention process internal combustion engine first, and develop the framework antenna.
Important dates in the automotive world:-
In 1770
Filled Nicolas Joseph Kojno successful three-wheel motor vehicles.
In 1860
Jean-Joseph developed Eitan Lenoir combustion engine fed by coal gas.
In 1865
Germany have succeeded Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz in the development of engine oil of the type used in the present time.
In 1887
Magnus Falk making English the first electric car.
93-1894 m
Making the brothers Charles and Frank Doryay the first successful American car, engine driven oil.
In 1896
Produced by Henry Ford and Charles Brady King, Ransm Eli Olds and Alexander and Linton run their cars with gasoline.
In 1896
DaimlerChrysler was created in England for making cars acquitted of excellence with the origin of France from Germany.
In 1897
Syndicate commenced vehicles without horses making their first Australian run a car engine oil, and is a car "Pioneer."
In 1904
Turao Yamaba making Japan's first car was run known steam.
In 1906
Produced by Rolls-Royce in England model "Silver Joost."
In 1913
Phil Caldwell company manufactured the first car to run the Australian four-wheel drive for use in rugged areas.
In 1926
The former Soviet Union produced its first passenger car called the "Nami -1"
In 1938
Started producing model car Volkswagen "beetle" and became the car with the longest production period at all, it lasted until the late eighties.
In 1959
Started to produce the most successful British car, a model "Mini" with front-wheel drive management. Were sold for more than five million cars.
In the eighties
The Japanese occupied the first position in the automotive industry in the world. It produced more than nine million cars in 1989, this is equivalent to almost one-third of global production.
In 1998
Chrysler merged with Daimler and the U.S. - to be a German-Benz Daimler - Chrysler giant.
The age of cars:-
Production cars. Car production increased significantly during the twenties of the twentieth century. During most of this century have been good working conditions, jobs and abundant. As a result, the number who are able to buy more cars than ever before. The number of drivers because the engineering improvements made cars easier to operate and leadership. It has also contributed to the development of improved methods of using the car as a means of transport.
In spite of the increase in car production in the twenties, but the number of manufacturing companies. The large companies reduced their profits in order to increase sales. But those companies are no longer able to continue to work, with the exception of companies that can produce many cars and sell them quickly.
Will be tomorrow's cars, most likely, with increasing fuel efficiency and less pollution. Will also continue to internal combustion engines, is likely to provide most-powered cars, and will control systems programmed computer functions is increasing steadily in tomorrow's cars, computers will play an increasing role also in the creation of tomorrow's cars, from design to engineering and the end of the assembly. It will also be buying cars and maintenance of computer-programmed more and more, will prevent the driver's steering system installed a system where the electronic devices and control in the way indi each other. This will allow the movement of traffic was heavier, as it would relieve the congestion. However, the system likely initial application will only pass on information to the driver about road conditions and traffic patterns prevailing in front of him.
Finally, some types of global automotive:-
Mercedes-Benz, Cadillac, Caprice, Corvette, Yukon, Camry, Jaguar, Mercury, Infiniti, Opel, Hyundai, Toyota,......Etc.
Before people have a car, they are walking or riding bicycles for short distances. The long-distance travel is mostly by train or some sort of horse-drawn carts or beauty.
Can be attributed the origin of the car to Europe. But in fact, become the most important means of transport in the United States first. Most European cars are hand-made, and was very expensive, was only the rich who can afford it. In the early twentieth century, both the Ransm Eli Olds and Henry Ford and other pioneers of mass production of cars.
The auto industry and one of the most important industries in the world; it can produce more than 30 million vehicles annually. Produces the United States and Japan together about half the world's production of cars. One of the most other countries that produce cars, Germany, France, Italy and Spain.
Caused car broad areas of work, and added many benefits to everyday life. But also brought many problems; has created problems of noise and pollution. States suffer that do not have auto industry, economic problems caused by the high cost of imported cars. On the other hand, has become a vehicle accident, one of the most serious problems in the present time.
The importance of car:-
Impact of the development cars huge impact on the lifestyle of people in most parts of the world. Perhaps there has been no invention or discovery provides further technical effect in the community bigger and faster than the invention of the car,Especially in the social and economic sphere.
History of the car :-
First car: in the late eighteenth century, the development of steam engines progressed rapidly in Europe. The inventors dream of "a vehicle without a horse"; any vehicle can run on its ability of self. It seemed to them that the steam power source is desired.
Steam car: The Nicholas Joseph, a military engineer Kojno Gaul, establishing the first two vehicles Matete movement in 1769, in 1770. One has been designed to transport passengers, while the other designed a three-wheeled motor tractor to drag the defender.
The electric car: electric car was initially more successful than the steam cars. The supply capacity mediated by the batteries. And met with electric cars quickly gained popularity because it was quiet, and easy to operate and free of smelly fumes, and in 1900, sales amounted to 38% of all car sales. But the batteries used to limit the speed or the distance that can be traveled. Was a small number of electric cars can go faster than 32 kilometers per hour, and had to be recharged at least every 80 kilometers.
Car engine oil. Created the car that we know at the present time on the development of internal combustion engine. The internal combustion engines, the first working gas. In 1820 and designed by British inventor William Cecil engine run explosion mixture of hydrogen and air. In 1838, made another British inventor William Barnett, an engine fuel mixture pressure, and in 1895, made Michelin, a company France for the rubber industry, the first filled with pneumatic tires for use in cars, many people believed that the car has become a means of transport by the invention process internal combustion engine first, and develop the framework antenna.
Important dates in the automotive world:-
In 1770
Filled Nicolas Joseph Kojno successful three-wheel motor vehicles.
In 1860
Jean-Joseph developed Eitan Lenoir combustion engine fed by coal gas.
In 1865
Germany have succeeded Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz in the development of engine oil of the type used in the present time.
In 1887
Magnus Falk making English the first electric car.
93-1894 m
Making the brothers Charles and Frank Doryay the first successful American car, engine driven oil.
In 1896
Produced by Henry Ford and Charles Brady King, Ransm Eli Olds and Alexander and Linton run their cars with gasoline.
In 1896
DaimlerChrysler was created in England for making cars acquitted of excellence with the origin of France from Germany.
In 1897
Syndicate commenced vehicles without horses making their first Australian run a car engine oil, and is a car "Pioneer."
In 1904
Turao Yamaba making Japan's first car was run known steam.
In 1906
Produced by Rolls-Royce in England model "Silver Joost."
In 1913
Phil Caldwell company manufactured the first car to run the Australian four-wheel drive for use in rugged areas.
In 1926
The former Soviet Union produced its first passenger car called the "Nami -1"
In 1938
Started producing model car Volkswagen "beetle" and became the car with the longest production period at all, it lasted until the late eighties.
In 1959
Started to produce the most successful British car, a model "Mini" with front-wheel drive management. Were sold for more than five million cars.
In the eighties
The Japanese occupied the first position in the automotive industry in the world. It produced more than nine million cars in 1989, this is equivalent to almost one-third of global production.
In 1998
Chrysler merged with Daimler and the U.S. - to be a German-Benz Daimler - Chrysler giant.
The age of cars:-
Production cars. Car production increased significantly during the twenties of the twentieth century. During most of this century have been good working conditions, jobs and abundant. As a result, the number who are able to buy more cars than ever before. The number of drivers because the engineering improvements made cars easier to operate and leadership. It has also contributed to the development of improved methods of using the car as a means of transport.
In spite of the increase in car production in the twenties, but the number of manufacturing companies. The large companies reduced their profits in order to increase sales. But those companies are no longer able to continue to work, with the exception of companies that can produce many cars and sell them quickly.
Will be tomorrow's cars, most likely, with increasing fuel efficiency and less pollution. Will also continue to internal combustion engines, is likely to provide most-powered cars, and will control systems programmed computer functions is increasing steadily in tomorrow's cars, computers will play an increasing role also in the creation of tomorrow's cars, from design to engineering and the end of the assembly. It will also be buying cars and maintenance of computer-programmed more and more, will prevent the driver's steering system installed a system where the electronic devices and control in the way indi each other. This will allow the movement of traffic was heavier, as it would relieve the congestion. However, the system likely initial application will only pass on information to the driver about road conditions and traffic patterns prevailing in front of him.
Finally, some types of global automotive:-
Mercedes-Benz, Cadillac, Caprice, Corvette, Yukon, Camry, Jaguar, Mercury, Infiniti, Opel, Hyundai, Toyota,......Etc.
Friday, 26 February 2010
The Electricity
Static electricity in our daily lives
Forms of electricity in our daily lives:-
The first thing that comes to mind at the mention of electricity is electricity-Mode which apply in the electrical wires, which are found in dry batteries, but there are no other electricity Ismmi static electricity or static electricity, which U very different ways in our daily lives, and therefore conclude that there two types of electricity.
1 - static electricity (static) 2 - Electricity-Mode (Dynamic)
Electrifying Ways:-
Electrifying massage:-
It happens when you massage massage Alabonet leg of a piece of wool, they acquire a negative charge (-) or massage at a piece of glass with silk, they acquire a positive charge (+) and can experience when massage balloon with a piece of wool, it will adhere to surfaces of different.
Electrifying effect:-
And occurs when the body charged almost a given electrical shipment of the body other than where we note charged that the body has become fraught with other without touching the body first
A specific example of this in everyday life where we note that the lightning bolt descending from the clouds to the ground occur without contact between the clouds and the ground.
Electrifying Touch:-
This happens when the kind of electrifying charged object comes into contact with the body other than the charged.
The use of electricity in our daily lives:-
Without electricity, many people suffer hardship in reaching their place of work, and in the grocery shopping, and communicate with each other.
Very briefly considered the backbone of electricity all organs of various kinds operate on electricity.
Forms of electricity in our daily lives:-
The first thing that comes to mind at the mention of electricity is electricity-Mode which apply in the electrical wires, which are found in dry batteries, but there are no other electricity Ismmi static electricity or static electricity, which U very different ways in our daily lives, and therefore conclude that there two types of electricity.
1 - static electricity (static) 2 - Electricity-Mode (Dynamic)
Electrifying Ways:-
Electrifying massage:-
It happens when you massage massage Alabonet leg of a piece of wool, they acquire a negative charge (-) or massage at a piece of glass with silk, they acquire a positive charge (+) and can experience when massage balloon with a piece of wool, it will adhere to surfaces of different.
Electrifying effect:-
And occurs when the body charged almost a given electrical shipment of the body other than where we note charged that the body has become fraught with other without touching the body first
A specific example of this in everyday life where we note that the lightning bolt descending from the clouds to the ground occur without contact between the clouds and the ground.
Electrifying Touch:-
This happens when the kind of electrifying charged object comes into contact with the body other than the charged.
The use of electricity in our daily lives:-
Without electricity, many people suffer hardship in reaching their place of work, and in the grocery shopping, and communicate with each other.
Very briefly considered the backbone of electricity all organs of various kinds operate on electricity.
To keep the power candle illuminates our lives
Did you know?
-Did you know that the blue whale is the largest animal on Earth.
-Did you know that the shortest man in the world is an Indian (Gul), as it does not exceed length of more than two and sixty centimeters.***
-Did you know that the sunlight reaching the Earth in 8 minutes.***
-Did you know that the path of broken blood in its course every day is 168 million miles.***
-Did you know that the water fountain made from the top over the whale skull height, sometimes up to 9 meters.***
-Did you know that the weight of a ton of stainless steel after becoming completely three tons.***
-Did you know that the human brain needs to 1000 liters of blood a day to be able to do its work.***
-Did you know that the center of gravity of the globe is located in Mecca and the Kaaba in particular has shown that several scientific research.***
-Did you know that the speed of light is 300,000 kilometers per second.***
-Did you know that oil and water can mingle and put a piece of soap with them.***
-Did you know that if a horse died spare tail.***
-Did you know that if I take fire scorpion bite himself, and die.***
-Did you know that elephants cry when they are sad.***
-Did you know that the largest egg in the world today is the ostrich egg, weighing approximately 2 kg.***
-Did you know that all objects move the lower jaw when eating, except for the crocodile, which drives the upper jaw.***
-Did you know that the horse can continue to be a full month, standing on his feet.***
-Did you know that Snake voices are heard by picking up vibrations of sound waves with her tongue.***
-Did you know that the word "why" in English is not only a question but is the name of the type of cow.***
-Did you know that the tongue is different, such as fingerprints from one person to another.***
-Did you know that mosquitoes prefer to bite people with white skin and blond hair.***
-Did you know that one of the satellites, which revolve around Mars shines twice and go twice a day.***
-Did you know that hot water pipes freeze faster than cold water pipes.***
-Did you know that ships moving in the cold water faster than warm water.***
-Did you know that sea water is the closest material in chemical composition to human blood.***
-Did you know that if you are a good egg tower, you can, be stopped at its base.***
-Did you know that the elephant is the only animal that has four behind.***
-Did you know that there is a kind of flowers in the Hawaiian Islands Blooms source a loud bang.***
-Did you know that the light of the sun does not permeate the sea more than 400 m.***
-Did you know that all the energy in the lightning large if harnessed able to raise the ocean water 2 meters in the air.*************************************************************************************
Aircraft Technologies
Definition of the plane:- the vehicle is heavier than air engine can fly in the air depending on the lifting force generated on the wings.
Modern aircraft, ranging between aircraft with light weight and which do not weigh more than 46 kg and designed to move the pilot only, super jumbo aircraft and capable of carrying several hundred passengers, or several hundreds of tons of cargo, and weighs approximately 454 tons of aircraft.
It is sometimes the creation of ad hoc aircraft to use, currently no such thing as aircraft ground (which takes off from the earth, landing directly on the ground) and Navy aircraft (planes taking off and landing to and from the water) and amphibious aircraft (which can take off and landing either on land or water) and aircraft take-off and vertical landing, taking off as a result pay gas jet engine roller or rotary wings (ie the motor change direction so that the blowing gas to the bottom or suite that is going on centered around the term so that the engines for higher pay instead of being ahead) After take-off depends on the airline by its wings.
Types of aircraft:-
Aircraft can be classified according to several aspects:-
According to use:
Military or civilian, save or shipping.
According to task:
Reconnaissance aircraft, transport, research and so on.
By design:
Delta-wing aircraft of any triangular shape.
Aircraft wing is similar Almtheltip.
Aircraft aerodynamics.
Helicopters of all kinds.
Jet Almavuq Almatan and audio.
Paid rotary aircraft engines.
Unmanned aircraft such as Boeing X - 45.
Months fighter aircraft:-Offensive fighter (Mirage 2000),Fighter-bomber (F - 4) Phantom,
Fighter interceptor (F - 14) Tomcat,Fighter interceptor (F - 15) Eagle,Offensive aircraft (F - 16) Falcon,Interceptor aircraft (F - 18) Hornet,Medium-range bomber (F - 111).....Etc.
B-52 military aircraft the largest aircraft in the world.
Months of civil aircraft:-Concorde,Boeing 707,Boeing 727,Boeing 747 (jumbo),Airbus 300,Airbus 310.........Etc.
Largest civil aircraft in the world, Airbus A-380.
Thursday, 25 February 2010
The definition of technology in our lives
Technology:- in its wider sense as "scientific knowledge and engineering management with which to design, development, production and distribution of materials and services are different."
The common perception of the term is the use of computer technology and modern appliances, and this view of limited vision, the computer is a consequence of technology.
If we want to divide the Technology to types of pages we want to many because they are innumerable.
For example, not limitation in the fields of Technology
Technologies computer, satellite, information, communications, automotive, aircraft, nuclear medicine, engineering, oil,transportation, agriculture, education, health, trade, scientific research, weapons, Homeland Security.....Etc.
The importance of Technology:-
Technology double-edged sword(Useful and bad).
I will mention in my latest news coming Technological World, and I hope that I have been successful in view the definition of Thise Blog.
Monday, 22 February 2010
Automatic teller Technologies
Automated teller machine:- is a computer and telecommunications that provide customers with financial institutions to obtain financial transactions in public places without the need for a human bank teller or writer.
Using the ATM, customers can access their bank accounts to make cash withdrawals, and check account balances.
Date of automatic teller machine:-
The beginning of invention of the automated teller machine in New York while the Luther W. Simjian invented in 1939 and installed at the Citibank, but the machine was removed after 6 months because of lack of acceptance of the idea of customers. Subsequently did not raise the idea machine again after more than 25 years what has happened, De La Rue has launched the first ATM-mail, has been installed in the town of Enfield, a city in north London on June 27, 1967 by Barclays Bank. The John Shepherd - Baron is the first invented the ATM machine to electronic for Barclays Bank, although there was a lot of patents registered to other inventors at the same time.
Story teller machine invention:-
The problem of John Shepherd - Barron when he wanted to invent the machine that he could not get the money for a holiday Saturday and Sunday in addition to that there was a holiday on the occasion of that particular time, given the urgent need for money in the bank leave days when crystallized the idea that John was entitled: Bank Open 24 hours 7 days a week. John went to meet with the Director of the bank, which employs "Barclays" to view the new idea, when he heard the request of the Director of the idea that John turning it into a machine or machine easy to use and therefore it will buy this machine alien immediately. John has been busy for a full year trying to invent this machine until the eventual achievement of a model first ATM was announced in 1967 with the opening of the Barclays Bank automated open around the clock.
Automated teller machine contains a number of parts of the most important:-
- The central processing unit (to control the machine).
- Card Mmguetp or chips (given a choice to the client).
- Between Bad, a part similar to the calculator and often made as part of the machine.
- Screen and LCD are frequently subject to touch.
-Unit cash is disbursed.
- Unit print Journal.
- Unit notifications.
- Unit read cards.
- The unit deposits.
- Unit envelopes.
- Alankereptur (for cipher).
- Panel of honor.
The benefits of ATM Machine:-
-Customers can access their bank accounts to withdraw money.
- Monitoring of account balances.
- The opportunity to deposit cash or checks.
- Transfer of funds between bank accounts.
- Pay the bills.
- Procurement of goods and services.
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