Thursday, 1 September 2016

شهرسبتمبر/ ايلول The Month of September

سبتمبر هو الشهر التاسع من السنة الميلادية وعدد ايامه 30 يوما.

كان سبتمبر هو الشهر السابع الذي كان يبلغ طوله 30 يوما في التقويم الروماني، أصبح الشهر التاسع بطول 29 يوما عندما إصلاح الملك نوما بومبيليوس التقويم وأضاف شهري يناير وفبراير حوالي 700 قبل الميلاد، وأضاف يوليوس قيصر يوما واحدا لشهر مما يجعل من 30 يوما منذ فترة طويلة خلال إصلاح التقويم اليولياني.

يشهد شهر سبتمبر بداية العام الدراسي في العديد من البلدان، والتي يذهب الأطفال إلى المدرسة بعد العطلة الصيفية، وأحيانا في اليوم الأول من الشهر،درجة الحراراة تبدء بالانخفاض التدريجي في شهر سبتمبر / ايلول ولكن الرطوبة تبقى مرتفعة نسبيا،حيث يميل الجو الى البرودة في ساعات الصباح الباكر وكذلك في ساعات المساء،ويكون مقدمة لدخول فصل الخريف المبكر في كثير من مناطق العالمً.

Today the world is witnessing another solar eclipse in 2016

The world is witnessing on Thursday last solar eclipse of this year, where it will be the kind of cyclic peak annular eclipse when the moon covers the disc of 97.4% of the disk of the sun.

  You can see the eclipse in the body partial eclipse in much of Africa and western Saudi Arabia and South Asia, and eastern Australia, this eclipse will take since the beginning of the eclipse's partial phase until the end of the second eclipse partial phase 5 hours and forty-seven minutes almost does not see in Egypt, North Africa and the Middle East, pointing out that the country concerned to see him in the middle of Africa is Gabon, Congo, Tanzania, Mozambique and Madagascar.

Reasons for wearing the hat when the cook

Not high-hat that covers the head cook a normal ingredient in uniform, all the elements of this hat, including the rise and with it, has a special story.

The tradition of wearing a chef hat to 1727, when it raised the hairs found on the King George II of England in the soup of his anger, punishing all the chefs to shave their heads and wear the cap imposed on them so as not to fall back hair in the food.

He had a hat folds did a number sets, but the French tradition put the figure at a hundred fold, on the grounds that the number of recipes using eggs, at the beginning of the 19th century gave Kerim, the French expert who was working in the kitchens of the Kings and the title of "chef of kings and king of chefs" , he introduced the idea of difference in height between the new chef hats and other owners of large experience. The total height of 18 inches Kerim hat.

Cook uniform consists of: -
Long white hat.
Bib cook.
The old, small alleyway around his neck.
Special shoes.

Trousers and wide to facilitate his movemen.
