Decided to "Facebook" to provide a credit card hackers be able to buy what they want on the way or even the withdrawal of the amounts which amounts cash through any ATM Maker, but what return?
Project Name White Hat Bug Bounty Program and is intended to pay the lengthy in general and in particular to the hackers try to find flaws in the social network Facebook, and what security holes which could be put to break into user accounts. Mr. Ryan Makihan director of security intervention to Facebook commented by saying that "researchers who are finding the gaps and helping to develop the security aspects are rare, and we really liked, we must find a way to reward them."
Black Card's "Facebook" has other features Mr Ryan says he can stand that card to "come to any conference and all it is to show that card and say that he was working pursuant to a special Facebook and will allow him to enter and will have the power to enter other occasions." Minimum Which is reported and those who reveal security holes is $ 500, but Mr. Ryan said that Facebook has to pay the amounts and reached for $ 5000 for a number of which were Developers confirm their information about gaps in the system. Facebook is not the first to embrace the idea of dealing with hackers and other companies are Developers such as "Google" and "Mozilla" applied this idea since the period of time and even now.
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